Get Personal Help and Coaching to Strengthen Yourself and Your Spiritual Connection
I am NOT a licensed mental health professional, or therapist; my services help you evaluate where you are in life and help you develop a mental plan to put you into a version of yourself that gets you where you want to be. If you are struggling emotionally and mentally to the point where operating in your daily life is difficult, it is recommended to seek clinical help. When used in unison with the appropriate therapeutic help, additional mentorship/coaching can be extremely beneficial. However, you need to take a proactive approach with your life and be honest enough with yourself to get the help that you genuinely need.
Any individuals that are in need of more hands-on, clinical forms of help will be notified and refunded for the booked services.
I will give you clear-cut advice for how to adjust your mindset, identify what you're struggling with and implement practices to shift beliefs and stabilize in your nervous system; as a byproduct, desired results can materialize. I am not here to tell you what to do with your life or make life decisions for you; I can give you advice and feedback but ultimately the decisions or actions you take in your life are solely your responsibility.
By booking this service with me you are acknowledging that you are seeking advices and help with adjusting your mindset and realize that the results you produce in your life are a direct byproduct of your own discipline, consistency, honesty and application.
Meeting Expectations: You will be coming into the session ready to give a summary on what you have been experiencing (circumstances) and looking for feedback on what you can adjust, or how to handle different circumstances, with a new mindset.
You will be able to communicate that you are not sure where to begin and need to go over circumstances to develop a plan to make adjustments in your approach and mindset.
COMING SOON: Email Coaching
The 3 email coaching package includes three responses covering at maximum "Two Desires". In your initial email you will describe what your current circumstances are, any relevant past information and what you have been trying to apply.
This detailed plan will include how to persist forward and remove any intrusive thoughts or compulsive behaviors and formulate a sustainable approach to get you to your desired outcome in the most relaxed way that meets you where you are and gets you to where you want to be.
There will be two responses will be for any follow-up questions you may have as you implement the provided plan.